Professor Chow is the Head of the Department, Si Yuan Professor in Health and Social Work and Master of the University’s New College. She has a background as a registered social worker specializing in bereavement counselling and is the founder of the first community-based bereavement counselling centre in Hong Kong. She has formerly acted as Secretary of the Association for Death Education and Counseling (ADEC) and Board Member of the Asia Pacific Hospice Network (APHN). As a recognised translational scientist in thanatology, Professor Chow was elected as the Chairperson of the prestigious International Workgroup on Death, Dying and Bereavement. Currently, within the university, Professor Chow is the Director of the Jockey Club End-of-Life Community Care Project and Associate Director of Sau Po Centre of Ageing. She serves the Lotteries Fund Advisory Committee as well as Boards of Directors of other NGOs in Hong Kong. She is also the first and current Chairperson of the Steering Committee of the Hong Kong Academy of Social Work.
Professor Chow’s scholarship and contribution to social work practice have been recognized by the following awards: Cross-Cultural Award, (ADEC) (2005); Cadenza Fellowship (2008); Best Abstract Award (Researcher) (2010); Distinguished Alumni Award (2013) (CUHK); Rainbow of Life Outstanding Individual Award (2013); Outstanding Social Worker Award (2014); Outstanding Teaching Award of the University of Hong Kong (2014); Outstanding Research Output Awards (2017-2018) (University of Hong Kong) and Research Recognition Award (ADEC) (2020).