2-Day Workshop on “Integrative Family and Systems Treatment for Trauma” by Mr. David Grove
Date : 12 & 13 July 2024 (Friday and Saturday)
Time : 9:15 am – 4:30 pm
Venue: CPD- 2.37, The Jockey Club Tower, Centennial Campus, The University of Hong Kong
Free :
Early Bird (before 10 June 2024) – HK$1,600
HKPCA Member, Alumni/Students – HK$1,400
Full Fee – HK$2,000
The course outline : https://hkuhk-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/avislam_hku_hk/EcDMiYqklh9Gm2Jw67VufYsBu9yE42HitrezegDMLFZpIg?e=GcUmaS
Registration : https://hkuems1.hku.hk/hkuems/ec_hdetail.aspx?guest=Y&ueid=94047
Enquiry : Miss Avis Lam, swsamss@hku.hk, 39172075
Integrative Family and Systems Treatment for Trauma
Research clearly indicates that how family responds to trauma survivors is the greatest protective or risk factor for either healing or continued suffering for the survivor. In this two-day training, how to make use of the power of family relationships to promote healing for trauma survivors will be a central focus. Cases from the audience will also be presented.
Case examples and videos will be provided to demonstrate the concepts. Cases from the audience will also be presented.
The training will also demonstrate how to integrate into a family treatment framework trauma focused interventions from evidence-based trauma treatment models such as EMDR, TF-CBT or Exposure therapies. Within these topics, how to engage men directly in treatment or into the healing process of the family will also be shown.
The Speaker:
Mr. David Grove is a Lecturer of the Ohio State University College of Social Work. He is a Licensed Independent Marriage and Family Therapist (IMFT) and IMFT Supervisor in Ohio, US. Mr. Grove has rich expertise in applying family therapy and systemic intervention to diverse populations and problems. He received extensive post-graduate training at The Family Therapy Institute of Washington, D.C. and has co-authored four books in family therapy.
Since 2000, Mr. Grove has been a principal developer, and trainer of Integrated Family and Systems Treatment. As one of the principal participants, Mr. Grove contributed to the research, development and dissemination of this family treatment model.