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Dr. Johnson Chun-Sing, Cheung received his BSW and MSocSc from HKU, MA in Philosophy from CUHK, and DSW from PolyU. He is a RSW, a Certified Philosophical Counselor, and has extensive experiences in working at both frontline and administrative positions in youth and community settings. He was elected member of the Specialized Committee on Children and Youth Service of HKCSS and is consultant of the Society for Innovation and Technology in Social Work (SITSW). He works closely with urban planners and architects in the community and is now the director of iDiscover Asia, a Hong Kong based charitable organization that works with city governments and developers to make heritage preservation financially feasible and design trajectories to open people’s eyes to the value of heritage. Prior to joining HKU, he taught social work courses at CUHK and PolyU. He was awarded “Top Peer Reviewer in Social Sciences” by Publons of Clarivate Analytics and had reviewed over 200 manuscripts for social work journals mainly indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection. He is currently the Subject Editor (Social Work) of Social Sciences and Humanities Open, Co-Editor of The International Journal of Community and Social Development, Associate Editor of the International Journal of Social Welfare, Associated Editor of the Journal of the American Philosophical Practitioners Association, Consulting Editor of Health & Social Work, Academic Editor of PLOS ONE, and editorial board member of Child & Family Social Work, Research on Social Work Practice, the European Journal of Social Work, Practice: Social Work in Action, and Journal of Evidence-Informed Social Work.