Prof. TSE S.K. Samson


Samson is the Professor of Mental Health and has been seconded to take up the role as Dean of Student Affairs at HKU since 1 September 2020. The corpus of Professor Tse’s research and scholarship is on building knowledge for the human services that support people with severe mental illness and those affected by addiction problem and in turn, to improve the well-being of service users, families and caregivers. He pursues two primary areas of inquiry: (1) advance knowledge and understanding of psychosocial issues in bipolar disorder and people with problem gambling; (2) undertake recovery-oriented, action-focused research such as Strengths Model Case Management (SMCM) and Peer Support Intervention (PSI) with a high potential for impact on the quality of life of people with mental health challenges. His work makes substantive contributions to HKU’s efforts of “Internationalization, Innovation, and Interdisciplinarity converging to create Impact” and to local communities and beyond. Professor Tse has been appointed to several governmental committees e.g., Mental Health Advisory Committee (Food and Health Bureau), Health and Medical Research Fund- Mental Health Research (Food and Health Bureau), and Research Advisory Group (Narcotics Division, Security Bureau).


  • Tse, S., Yu, C. H., Yuen, W. W. Y., Ng, C. S. M., Lo, I. W. K., Fukui, S., ... & Chan, S. K. (2022). Randomised controlled trial evaluating the Strengths Model Case Management in Hong Kong. Research on Social Work Practice, 10497315221118550.
  • Tse, N., Tse, S., & Wong, P. W. (2022). Collective Motivational Interviewing for Individuals with Drug Use Problems: A Pre-Post–Follow-Up, Uncontrolled Pilot Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(23), 16344.
  • Tse, S., Ng, C., Yuen, W. et al., (2021, advance online publication). Process research: Compare and contrast the recovery-orientated strengths model of case management and usual community mental health care. BMC Psychiatry.
  • Tsoi, E. W., Tse, S., Canda, E. R., Goscha, R. J., & Lo, I. W. (2021). The meaning of "strengths" for strengths-based mental health practice in Hong Kong Chinese culture: A qualitative exploratory study. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal. Advance online publication.
  • Lee, L., Tse, S., Blaszczynski, A., & Tsang, S. (2020). Concepts and controversies regarding tolerance and withdrawal in gambling disorder. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 31, 54-59.

Externally funded research

Project (as Principal Investigator) Amount Starting Finished
5-Steps and Collective Motivational Interviewing (funded by Beat Drugs Fund, HK) HK$1,700,000 Jan-2016 June-2018
Knowledge acquisition to support recovery among people with bipolar disorder (funded by General Research Fund, HK) HK$560,000 Jan-2016 Dec-2017
Randomized controlled trial of Strengths Model Case Management (funded by General Research Fund, HK) HK$860,000 Jan-2018 Dec-2019
ABC, quest for a mechanism: Ambitious behavior, Bipolar disorder, and Creativity (funded by General Research Fund, HK) HK$992,408 Jan-2020 June-2022


  • Social Sciences Outstanding Research Output Awards- Applied Research, Strengths Model Case Management in Hong Kong (2018/19)
  • Obtained the status of “Senior Fellow” in recognition of attainment against the UK Professional Standards Framework for teaching and learning support in Higher Education (2018)
  • “HKU Overseas Fellowship Awards 2009/2010” offered by The University of Hong Kong to visit the Program of Recovery and Community Health, at Yale University (Aug, 2010)
  • “Distinguished Visitor Award” offered by the Building Research Capability in the Social Sciences (funded by Tertiary Education Commission, New Zealand) (Oct, 2010)

Key Community Services

  • Consulting Editor for the Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal (American Psychological Association Affiliated Journal, 2018-current)
  • Regional Assistant Editor (2012-2020) and Member of International Editorial Board (2020-present) of International Gambling Studies (Taylor & Francis, London, United Kingdom)