Scholarship for Teachers (Pursuit of Master’s Degree Programmes)

Department of Social Work and Social Administration > Teaching > Scholarship for Teachers (Pursuit of Master’s Degree Programmes)

Since its inception in June 2013, the Committee on Professional Development of Teachers and Principals (COTAP) has been working towards building shared vision, mission and objectives for enhancing the professional development of teachers and school leaders in Hong Kong. To achieve these goals, COTAP has launched T-excel@hk, an overarching project which comprises eight areas of focus.

The Scholarship for Teachers is a scheme under T-applause, which is one of the focus areas under T-excel@hk. This scholarship aims to recognise achievements of high-performing teachers and to encourage teachers’ pursuit of higher qualifications as well as to enhance their professionalism.

The Scholarship for Teachers (2024/25) is open for application from 16 May to 13 June 2024. For details, please visit: