MSocSc (Social Work – Youth)

Director's Message

Life experiences of adolescents and youth in the global world are ever changing. Owing to technological advancements, young people in urban societies tend to be more digitally literate.They receive similar information as their adult counterparts. However, the boundaries between adults and young people are getting blurred. However, more young people receive a higher education and stay in schools longer. This implies that they enter the job market later they rely on family support longer. Given this background, a plethora of young people are in fact more dependent on adults. Thus, we can envision problems with young people that are different from young people ten years ago. Intervention and practices with young people are also evolving due to different service settings. Practitioners working with young people are aiming for beneficial systematic training related to effective evidence-based interventions and latest practice theories.

The HKU Master of Social Sciences (Integrated Practices with Young People) aims to enhance the knowledge and skills needed to work with young people. When discussing diverse evidence-based intervention strategies, cutting-edge research and most updated theories, the programme equips students with materials required to meet the current challenges in working with young people. In addition to direct practices, students are equipped with advanced knowledge on service delivery, youth policy and multidisciplinary work. Teachers of the programme include academically experienced professionals who work with young people and social service agency managers.

The programme aims to attract students from various disciplines such as school social workers, educators, and professionals working with young people in schools, social services agencies, churches and clinical settings. We expect our graduates to become competent and advanced practitioners along with future leaders in working with young people.

Dr. Ben M.F. Law
Senior Lecturer


The programme aims to equip professionals such as social workers, teachers, psychologists, nurses, occupational therapists, speech therapists, physiotherapists, pastors and policy makers with tools ro offer effective integrated interventions to young people.

Learning Outcomes

After the completion of this programme, students should be able to

  • Critical intellectual enquiry and acquiring up-to-date knowledge and research skills in youth social work
  • Application of knowledge in youth social work and research skills to practice or theoretical exploration, demonstrating originality and creativity
  • Tackling novel situations and ill-defined problems in youth social work
  • Collaboration and communication of management knowledge in youth social work to specialists in and the general public
  • Awareness of and adherence to personal and professional ethics in youth social work
  • Enhancement of leadership and advocacy skills in youth policies

Who will benefit from the programme

The Master of Social Sciences in Social Work – Integrated Practices in Young People Stream is a self-funded two-year part-time postgraduate programme for professionals such as social workers, teachers, psychologists, nurses, occupational therapists, speech therapists, physiotherapists, pastors and policy makers who with tools to offer effective integrated interventions to young people.