Current Projects

The present study aims to perform an in-depth examination of offline and online bullying facts (e.g., roles, patterns, experience) among a representative sample of local school-aged children through a mixed-method approach, including qualitative interviews, panel surveys and case studies. The present study also evaluates the effectiveness of a structured school-based social and emotional learning (SEL) intervention model delivered through the Jockey Club Love & Respect School Empowerment Programme of our partnering NGO The Boys’ & Girls’ Association of Hong Kong (BGCA) in local primary schools, which aims to promote students’ social and emotional competencies and reduce school bullying perpetration by transforming the bystanders into upstanders in the bullying situation.

Principal Investigator: Prof. Law Yik Wa, Frances
Co-Investigator: Prof. Lee Juyeon
Contact: Mr Ho Sheung Hin Jimmy (Project Manager:

This study aims to consolidate the evidence on good practices in local drug treatment and rehabilitation projects in Hong Kong. By systematically reviewing projects funded by the Beat Drugs Fund and other empirical studies, we seek to categorise the different intervention types, identify core components, and examine their effectiveness. Through techniques like meta-analysis and qualitative comparative analysis, the study will collate the findings into evidence-based guidelines for a generic intervention model. This will be beneficial to local service providers by equipping them with knowledge to replicate good practices, ultimately enhancing the quality of care and support available to drug abusers and their families. The study’s territory-wide approach and focus on developing a robust, evidence-based intervention model could have a positive impact on the broader anti-drug efforts in Hong Kong.

Principal Investigator: Prof. Law Yik Wa, Frances
Co-Investigator: Dr Luo Tingyu
Contact: Dr Luo Tingyu (Research Assistant Professor:

CARing kids

香港近年的兒童及青少年精神科服務個案不斷上升,反映本港兒童的精神健康問題非常令人關注。而據研究顯示,兒童在7-8歲的時候接受社交情緒教育對提升社交技巧、加強了解自己及別人情緒的能力尤其顯著。承蒙凱瑟克基金資助,<<童狗有話兒>>是香港第一個結合社交與情緒學習、人道教育和動物輔助教育的課程,為期3年 (2018 – 2021)。有別一般的社交及情緒學習課程,本計劃加入伴讀犬元素,營造正面的課堂和學校文化,鼓勵學生在一個安全和關愛的環境下參與活動。課程旨在提升學生的社交情緒技巧、培養正面的態度和行為、訓練同理心、學習與友儕相處的技巧和建立良好的思維方法 。就計劃的研究初步發現,參與課程的同學比對照組同學更能專心、冷靜、做事更顧及後果、更能留意他人感受、願意分享及更樂於助人。​整個計劃由港大團隊負責設計課程、編撰故事書,並提供培訓和製作教材,令參與計劃的學校在計劃完結後可以延續課程,長遠希望可以在香港發展一套本地化的動物輔作教育課程。

HKJC Linking Hub

The Jockey Club “Linking Hub” Project – Community Support Service for Subdivided Unit (SDU) Families was initiated in 2022 and funded by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, supporting 4,480 SDU households living in Kwai Tsing, Sham Shui Po, Yau Tsim Mong, Kowloon City, and the Eastern District.

The Project has brought together the community-building and engagement expertise of the HKSKH Lady MacLehose Centre (LMC), the Salvation Army of Hong Kong and Macau (TSA), St. James’ Settlement (SJS), and the Young Women’s Christian Association of Hong Kong (YWCA) to help SDU families endure long wait lists in social housing, and has appointed the Department of Social Work and Social Administration, the University of Hong Kong to measure project outcomes.

Get us moving

This study evaluates the “Get Us Moving” program offered by the SKHWC, which aims to address substance abuse issues among individuals and their families in Hong Kong. The prevalence of drug abuse, particularly the rise in psychotropic drug use, has significant socioeconomic impacts on affected individuals and communities. Previous literature highlights the detrimental effects of parental drug abuse on children’s wellbeing and development. Family-based interventions have emerged as a promising approach, leveraging the family unit to support treatment and recovery. This study expands on existing models by involving drug users, spouses, and children in a comprehensive family-based program. One key component is the integration of physical education and sports activities, which research suggests can enhance the physical and psychological wellbeing of children impacted by parental substance abuse. The evaluation study aims to assess the program’s effectiveness in facilitating drug abstinence and improving overall family functioning.

Principal Investigator: Prof. Law Yik Wa, Frances
Co-Investigator: Dr Luo Tingyu
Contact: Dr Luo Tingyu (Research Assistant Professor:

cic logo

University students’ mental health has become a focus of attention across the globe. In Hong Kong, about one-third of university students experience symptoms of depression or anxiety. Compassion in curriculum (CiC) is a pioneer initiative that aims to embed compassion-based pedagogy into the core academic subjects for fostering students’ social and mental well-being. Developed by a team of educators and students, our project offers knowledge and practical experiences that integrate the values of kindness, empathy and caring commitment to self and others into teaching and learning. The initiative empowers students to explore how the principles of compassion can be applied in the learning environment and in other aspects of life.

Integrative Body Mind Spirit

Integrative Body-Mind-Spirit (IBMS)


Traditional Chinese Medicine regards health as a harmonies interplay of complex intrapersonal, interpersonal and environmental interactions. A holistic evaluation of biological, psychological and spiritual states can shed light on a person’s physical, social and mental health. Eastern philosophies such as Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism have been found to be helpful in allowing patients to let-go of their pain and suffering. With a new perspective on enduring pain, positive growth and transformation may occur.

Bring together these concepts and therapeutic techniques of Chinese medicine, Professor Cecilia Chan developed a holistic approach – integrative-body-mind spirit (I-BMS) approach to promoting well-being and assisting individuals in a healing process.

Spirituality is defined in a broad sense to encompass and integrate all aspects of the person in the process of searching for meaning and purpose, growing through joys and adversities, striving to live compassionately, and connecting with mankind and the universe. Our spirit are connected to our emotions and spirit and change in one aspects will affect the other parts. A balance between three elements is the key to promote health and well-being.

This research seeks to examine the ways in which clutter accumulation is hampering the daily lives of low-income families living in subdivided housing. Based upon in-depth interviews with families living in subdivided homes, we will identify evidence of self-neglect and maladaptive behavior, and the consequences on domestic life when such traits are manifested spatially as habitual clutter. In so doing, we are skeptical of the prevailing view that people living below the poverty line can achieve better life outcomes solely by improving their minimum space standards.  Helping them attain competency in household management should be conducted in tandem.

Principal Investigator: Prof. Law Yik Wa, Frances
Contact: Mr Chiang Pai Lun Byron (Senior Research Assistant:


The Cultural Diversity Competence (CDC-HK) originated from Professor Mikel Hogan, Ph.D. former department chair at California State University, Fullerton. The 4 Skills Cultural Diversity Competence is a comprehensive training framework for enhancing cultural competence, sensitivity and humility with people from diverse ethnic backgrounds. CDC trainers who received the trainer-the-trainer workshop facilitated by Professor Mikel Hogan will provide 6-hour training for students and practitioners in human service professions, such as social workers, counsellors, teachers, health care professionals, etc.  The CDC learning circle meeting is a regular platform between Professor Mikel Hogan and the trainers for professional exchange and consultations on CDC training in Hong Kong.

文化多元能力(CDC-HK)源自加州州立大學富勒頓分校前系主任Mikel Hogan教授的研究。4項文化多元能力技能是一種全面的培訓框架,旨在提高與來自不同族裔背景的人們的文化能力、敏感性和謙遜態度。接受Mikel Hogan教授主持的培訓師培訓工作坊的CDC培訓師將為人本服務專業人士提供為期6小時的培訓,包括社會工作者、輔導員、教師、醫護專業人員等。CDC學習圈會議是Mikel Hogan教授和培訓師之間的定期交流平台,用於在香港進行CDC培訓的諮詢和專業交流。

智NET家長靜觀小組(Mindful parenting)、解鬱身心舒展班(body-mind-spirit stagnation)、隨心隨PHONE正念攝影小組(Mindful Photography)

社會人士疫情前只參與實體小組,疫情期間只有線上小組,現在疫情後的新常態是混合模式(blended mode)的服務。香港大學社會工作及社會行政學系吳兆文教授在家庭服務中心推行混合模式服務,有為家長而設的智NET家長靜觀小組(Mindful parenting),有為成人而設照顧個人身心靈的解鬱身心舒展班,及設合時下手機拍攝文化的隨心隨phone正念攝影小組。小組以混合模式進行,不但加強了小組的治療效果,亦方便了更多有興趣人士可以參加。


智NET家長靜觀小組(Mindful parenting)、解鬱身心舒展班(body-mind-spirit stagnation)、隨心隨PHONE正念攝影小組(Mindful Photography)

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, there were virtually only face-to-face services. During the pandemic, most services were delivered online. In the post COVID-19 ERA, blended mode intervention will be a major trend. Closely working with the NGOs, Prof. Ng Siu-man is promoting blended mode intervention in integrated family services centres. The three projects under development are

Mindful parenting group (智NET家長靜觀小組)Mindful parenting for parents with children aged 12 or below. Mind/body de-stagnation group (解鬱身心舒展班) for adults interested in self-care and holistic well-being. Mindful photography group (隨心隨PHONE正念攝影小組) for adults interested in using taking photos as the medium for mindfulness practice. All these groups are in blended mode.  Their innovative design does not only improve the efficacy of the intervention. The flexible schedule also enables more interested participants joining the group.

The project is supported by the Hong Kong Jackey Club Charity Trusts. The collaborating NGOs are the Hong Kong Family Welfare Society, St. James’ Settlement and Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council.


The Jockey Club End-of-Life Community Care Project (JCECC)



perinatal bereavement care project

Jockey Club Perinatal Bereavement Care Project


Project Background and Objectives

A pregnancy ended by miscarriage or stillbirth can be physically and emotionally distressing to couples. Due to the sudden and unexpected nature of pregnancy loss, the process of grieving and coping with loss among bereaved couples is ambiguous. Couples tend to conceal their sadness as such kind of experience is seldom acknowledged by the community.

As funded by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, a project called Jockey Club Perinatal Bereavement Care has been started since January 2022. The project is jointly collaborated by the Department of Social Work and Social Administration of the University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Young Women’s Christian Association Family Wellness Centre and Caritas-Hong Kong Grace Port-Caritas Miscarriage Support Centre. The Project envisions to develop a seamless integrated care for the bereaved couples from hospitals to the community with online and in-person support, aims to render holistic psychosocial support for bereaved couples to go through the grief over pregnancy loss. The Project includes public education on reproductive health, information provision and remembrance set for funeral arrangement, individual and couple counselling, sex counselling and therapy, psychosocial support groups and expressive arts programmes. Competence training and e-learning material for health and social care professionals will also be provided.  





Jockey Club Bereavement Care and Support Alliance (JCBeCARE)


Jockey Club Bereavement Care and Support Alliance (JCBeCARE) is a project organized by the Department of Social Work and Social Administration of the University of Hong Kong, funded by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust. It aims to connect different social service organizations, helping professionals and people who care about bereavement issues in Hong Kong, so that bereaved people may receive necessary supports from the community and their social supports can be strengthened. Besides, it is hoped to consolidate practical wisdom and empirical research findings in developing best practice guidelines and models in bereavement care. By providing assessment guidelines, intervention models and professional training, the overall competencies of helping professionals in offering bereavement counseling would be enhanced.


JC Joyage 賽馬會樂齡同行計劃

JoyAge - Holistic Support Project for Elderly Mental Wellness





SMART Institute


The ‘SMART Institute’ is set up by practitioners and scholars in 2016. Dr. Richard J. Goscha, who is one of the founders of Strengths Model Case Management (SMCM), and Professor Samson Tse from Department of Social Work and Social Administration, The University of Hong Kong (HKU) are invited as advisors for the Institute.  It is an established unit in the Department of Social Work and Social Administration HKU with the support from three non-governmental organizations, namely Baptist Oi Kwan Social Service, Caritas Hong Kong and Tung Wah Group of Hospitals.

The Jockey Club Carer Space Project

The Jockey Club Carer Space Project


The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust has initiated and funded the Jockey Club Carer Space Project (the “Project”) in 2023. The Project, with an approved funding of over HK$290 million, adopts a carer-centric approach to provide and connect carers to timely and appropriate services.

The Project establishes carer-centric service centres in different districts to serve more than 27,000 carers and 15,000 older adults with care needs in 5 years, as well as to increase public awareness on carers’ needs and promote a carer-friendly community.




Tools to Inform Policy: Chinese communities Actions in Response to Dementia (TIP-CARD)


Dementia is a group of chronic diseases that require long-term care, putting great pressure on family carers, care facility personnel, health care and social care systems. It is associated with great economic burden for the society. Many higher-income countries have developed dementia-specific policy to tackle the challenge. With the world’s greatest number of people with dementia, Chinese communities need policy solutions for dementia that are based on evidence and guided by the needs and expectations of stakeholders. “Tools to Inform Policy: Chinese communities Actions in Response to Dementia (TIP-CARD)” is a three-year research project funded by the Research Impact Fund of the Research Grants Council. It aims to build capacity in planning and implementing equitable and sustainable strategies in dementia care, and provide accessible tools, data, and local guidelines co-developed with stakeholders to support the generation of policy solutions for Hong Kong and other Chinese communities.

認知障礙症是一種需要長期護理的慢性疾病,給家庭照顧者、護理人員、醫療及社福體系帶來沉重壓力和經濟負擔,許多高收入國家已制定了針對認知障礙症的政策來應對這挑戰。作為全球認知障礙症人口最高的群體,華人社會非常需要一個以實證為本及對應持份者需要而制定的政策方案。「華人社會認知障礙症行動策略工具」(TIP-CARD) 是一項為期三年的政策研究,由研究資助局的研究影響基金資助,旨在為支援華人社會制定相關政策提供可持續發展及易達易用的策略工具、數據和指引。

Tuned In logo

Tuned In

The proposed project aims to address the significant issue of youth mental health in Hong Kong, particularly focusing on the prevalence of depression, anxiety, and loneliness among young people. The project aims to test and validate a music-based preventative program called Tuned In, which has shown effectiveness in improving emotion regulation skills and reducing psychological distress in previous studies. The program will incorporate psychoeducation, group discussions, and the use of personally relevant music to help participants monitor and modify their emotional states. The project also recognizes the role of music in reducing feelings of loneliness and increasing social connectedness among young people. By focusing on emotion regulation and utilizing music as a tool, the project aims to fill the research and clinical gaps in youth mental health interventions in Hong Kong.


werise 風起航:中風家庭支援行動


