Director's Message

The Master of Social Sciences in the field of Gerontology Programme is the only taught postgraduate degree offered in the field of social gerontology in the Asian region. The programme focuses on aged services management and social policy analysis on elderly-related issues. A global perspective and international trend is underscored in this programme. Specifically, cutting-edge research and aged care service and contemporary policy issues related to ageing populations around the globe will be disseminated to students. In addition, successful ageing and the positive ageing perspective will be emphasized throughout the whole programme.

The programme is designed with a view to equip students with the most up-to-date theoretical frameworks, policies, practice and administrative skills that can be utilized in various disciplines of practice. In addition to the teaching staff from the Department, overseas and local experts will be invited as guest lecturers to deliver talks and seminars to enrich students’ exposure to knowledge and practices from different socio-cultural contexts. Graduates of the programme will be equipped with both transferable and gerontological competences for career development in a variety of relevant fields in social welfare, medical and health, and social administration, and in positions at the frontline or middle-management level.

Prof. Lou Vivian W. Q.


In view of the rapid ageing population in the globe, the MSocSc(Gerontology) programme offers cutting-edge education and training in gerontology. Students will be equipped with research-driven evidence-based knowledge on topics like mental health, long-term care, caregiving, and end-of-life care, as well as management skills at both the case and agency levels.  The programme is tailored to professionals seeking to specialize in working with older adults or advance their knowledge of ageing-related policies and services. Our program could be your stepping stone to a rewarding career. Join us and shape the future of gerontology!

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Learning Outcomes

After the completion of this programme, students should be able to

  • Critical intellectual enquiry and acquiring up-to-date knowledge and research skills in social gerontology;
  • Application of knowledge in social gerontology and research skills to practice or theoretical exploration, demonstrating originality and creativity;
  • Tackling novel situations and ill-defined problems related to aged population;
  • Collaboration and communication of knowledge in social gerontology to multi-disciplinary health care professionals and the general public;
  • Awareness of and adherence to personal and professional ethics in social gerontology;
  • Enhancement of leadership skills in social gerontology, especially in program evaluation and policy advocacy.

Who will benefit from the programme

The Master of Social Sciences in Gerontology is a self-funded two-year part-time postgraduate programme for professionals who are interested in developing a career specialized in working with the elderly and who engage in elderly-related policy research.