Evidence-Based Clinical Social Work Practice Research Cluster

Evidence in practice provides policy makers, practitioners and service users with confidence in the quality of care to be received by the service users. As a social work department with a strong team of practice-focused academics and teachers, this cluster aims to promote evidence-based research and practice by creating a platform for academics, policy makers, practitioners, students and service users to:

(1) Exchange ideas about developing and researching evidence-based models of clinical practice that will provide the best model of care for the people concerned,

(2) Facilitate human service agencies to learn and implement evidence-based models of practice through staff training and supervision,

(3) Develop innovative practice teaching pedagogy

(4) Develop state-of-the-art methods and strategies for conducting practice research

(5) Impart evidenced-informed knowledge to improve the health and mental health statuses of the general public.

Our team attracts funding from academic and non-academic sources such as General Research Fund, Interdisciplinary Knowledge Exchange Fund, Jockey Club Charities Trust, Beat Drugs Fund, Social Welfare Development Fund and UBS Optimus Foundation for evidence-based practice research on innovative projects concerning children, adolescents and adults with health-related issues such as cancer, eczema, dementia; and end-of life care; and with mental health-related issues such as drug addiction, depression, anxiety and special education needs. We have been experimenting indigenous and culturally adapted models of intervention including Body-Mind-Spirit Approach, Cognitive-Behaviour Approach, Intervention Approaches in End-Of-Life-Care, Mindfulness Approach and Affirmative Cognitive-Behaviour Approach and etc. Our team of colleagues have built strong and solid collaborative relationships with international and local academics; and with colleagues of local health and social service organizations in fostering the development of evidence-based practices. The outcome evaluation of these and previous projects has been published in top-tier academic journals such as Psycho-oncology, Cancer, Australian New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, Death Studies, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, Palliative Medicine, Human Reproduction etc. Over a hundred knowledge exchange workshops and talks have been organized in the past three years for health and mental health professionals and service users in Hong Kong and worldwide (e.g. Australia, China, Singapore, Taiwan, USA). Some projects involve renowned overseas and local collaborators and with research data collected in multiple sites, locally and internationally.

Under the governance of this research cluster, we have also established an Evidence-Based Social Work Practice Centre @SWSA HKU. This centre aims at providing a clinical practice platform for colleagues to develop and experiment their innovative social work intervention approaches in improving the wellbeing of the general public. Through the interventions, we also hope to collect evidence to demonstrate the effectiveness of these approaches. Specifically, the centre has the following objectives:

  • Provide consultancy services for professionals in the application of certain innovative intervention approaches and techniques in improving the wellbeing of people concerned
  • Render intervention services in the form of individual and group counselling, talks and workshops for the general public
  • Provide clinical training for students at both undergraduate and post-graduate levels in social work and related fields
  • Conduct training for professionals in the social service and health care sectors

Building Emotional Resilience in Times of Family Crisis Conference 2021

Topic / Activity Speaker/Moderator

Plenary Session 2
Topic:  Which young people need extra help to reach in Hong Kong?


Prof. Paul W.C. Wong
Associate Professor
The University of Hong Kong

Plenary Session 3
Topic: Pragmatic Trials on Emotional Resilience Enhancement in New-Arrival and Cross-Border Families


Dr. Nancy X.N. Yu
Associate Professor
City University of Hong Kong

Ms. Iris K.F. Liu
Director of Service
International Social Service Hong Kong Branch

Keynote Speech 2
Topic:  Hong Kong Families in Crisis – Enhancing family resilience during COVID-19


Plenary Session 4
Topic:  Promoting Family Interdependence through dyadic Strength-based Empowerment Intervention for Families


Prof. Celia H.Y. Chan
The University of Hong Kong

Plenary Session 5
Topic:  Moderated mediation model- Relationship between Work-family conflict, Family strengths, Neighborhood cohesion, Community supportive resources and Family Resilience


Dr. Sylvia Y.C. Kwok Lai
Associate Professor
City University of Hong Kong

Plenary Session 6
Topic:  Enhancing Emotional Resilience through Story-telling & Meaning-making: An Existential–Narrative-Informed Parent Counseling and Support Program for Mothers with Substance Abuse Problems


Dr. Siu-Ming To
Associate Professor
The Chinese University of
Hong Kong

Series of Seminar 2020-21

To celebrate the 70th Anniversary of Social Work Education in HKU by 2020, the Evidence-Based Clinical Social Work Practice Research Cluster of the Department of Social Work and Social Administration is organizing a series of webinars entitled “Implementation Science: Evidence-Based Clinical Social Work Practice Research in Hong Kong”. More Information, please click here.

Date Topic  
14 December 2020

Emotionally-focused Group Therapy for Parents with Children at Preadolescence: Impact and Challenges


Dr. LEUNG S.M. Grace
Assistant Professor of Practice, HKU

Dr. CHEUNG C.S. Johnson
Senior Lecturer, HKU

Ms. LAM Y.M.
RSW, Senior Manager,
St. James’ Settlement – Youth Services


PDF Download

14 December 2020

Evaluation on Interdisciplinary Complex Intervention: Effectiveness, Efficiency and Continuous Improvement

Prof. CHOW Y.M. Amy
Professor, HKU

Ms. CHAN K.N. Iris
Associate Director
JCECC project


PDF Download

12 January 2021

Breaking the barriers – Intervention for families of children with incarcerated parent(Blue Bus Jockey Club Together We Grow Project​)

Celia Hoi-yan, CHAN, PhD, MSW, CT, RSW, Professor
Yat-lui, FUNG, PhD, Lecturer
Eustance King-tai, HUNG, RSW, Project Officer
Ruby Man-shan, WONG, RSW, BA(Psy), MSW, MSc(SHRM), Project Officer
Charis Yik-yan, AU, RSW, Project Officer
Mike Ka Shing, WU, RSW, Assistant Project In Charge
Kimmy Sze Man, CHIU, RSW, Project In Charge


More details

Expert team

Name Area of Practice in Social Work
Prof. Chan L.W. Ceci
Integrative Body-Mind-Spirit Social Work (IBMS), empowerment interventions, self-help groups, advocacy and macro practice
Prof. Chow Y.M. Amy
Bereavement Care (Individual and Group; natural and traumatic death, including suicide), End-of-Life Care, Psychosocial Intervention for persons with Dementia, Life and death education for persons with intellectual disabilities, Health Social Work, Emotional competence of social workers
Dr. Chung L.P. Catherine
Satir Model, Family reconstruction, Cognitive behavioural therapy, Emotion focused therapy, Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy (AEDP)
Dr. Huang Yu-te
Associate Professor
Youth and adolescent mental health, well-being among sexual minorities, cultural diversity, epistemological competence
Dr. Law Y.W. Frances
Associate Professor
Service utilization and pathway to care, Suicide and deliberate self-harm patients, Community-based mental health
Prof. Ng S.M.
Culture and mental health, mindfulness and spirituality, impacts of psychosocial factors on course of schizophrenia.

Overseas collaborators and experts

Name Institution Expertise Collaborated Projects/Activities
Dr. Jerry Floersch Rutgers University School of Social Work Polyvagal theory, psychotherapy Research on college student psychiatric medication narratives (U.S.)
Dr. Chien-Chung Huang Rutgers University School of Social Work, Human Research Center Child well-being, cross-cultural research Mindfulness-based intervention with migrant children (China)
Prof. Louise Harms University of Melbourne Traumatology and medical social work  
Prof. Alun Jackson and
Dr. Vicki Dowling
University of Melbourne and Deakin University Evidence-based practice in CBT on problem gamblers GRF project on CBT for Chinese problem gamblers
Prof. Phillip Kendall Temple University Evidence-based practice in CBT on children and youth mental health problems GRF project on CBT for Chinese youth with anxieties (Adapted Coping Cat Model)
Dr. Mo Yee Lee The Ohio State University Child mental health, Intervention research, Integrative Family and Systems Treatment (I-FAST), Solution-focused brief treatment, Integrative body-mind-spirit social work practice Co-editor of the book “Integrated Body-Mind-Spirit Social Work – An empirically based approach to assessment and treatment”.
Prof. Robert Neimeyer University of Memphis Bereavement  
Prof. Brennan Peterson Chapman University, USA Marriage and Family Therapy, Assisted Reproductive Technology, Infertility

Past collaborations: Cross-cultural survey on childbearing intentions in 2015.

Ongoing collaborations: An online survey on knowledge and attitudes about fertility awareness and preservation among Obstetrics and Gynaecology (OB/GYN) trainees in the Asia Pacific region

Upcoming collaborations: Effects of couple-based integrative body-mind- spirit (IBMS) interventions and yoga training for reducing anxiety and fostering dyadic adjustment in couples undergoing their first IVF treatment.

Dr. Juan Rios Seton Hall University CBT, mindfulness practice Mindfulness intervention with immigrant Latino students (U.S.)
Prof. Bruce Thyer University of Florida Evidence-based social work practice  

Representative projects

PI/Co-Investigator Project Title Funding Source Amount(HKD) Practice Innovations Awarded Year
Co-I: Prof. Chan L.W. Ceci Lung Cancer Project Research grants council-GRF $900,000 Patient and family caregiver intervention of CBT and IBMS 2015
PI: Prof. Chan L.W. Ceci Insomnia and Depression Innovative research $2M Serving persons with insomnia and depression with IBMS and qigong
PI: Prof. Chow Y.M. Amy Multi-center Randomized Controlled Trial of Psychosocial Bereavement Intervention for Widowed Older Adults in Hong Kong Research grants council-GRF $691,210 Developed and tested with RCT of a bereavement intervention model 2013
PI: Prof. Chow Y.M. Amy Evaluative Research on the Practice of Physical and Mental Revitalization Model on Elderly with Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia Tung Wah Group of Hospitals (Social Work Development Fund) $376,500 Developed and tested with RCT of a model of working with persons with dementia 2014
PI: Prof. Chow Y.M. Amy Reweaving Grief: Innovative Bereavement Care Interdisciplinary Knowledge Exchange Fund $100,000 Integrated community-care for self-harm people 2016
PI: Prof. Law Y.W. Frances Effects of Community-based Caring Contact on Post-discharge Young Adults with Self-harm: A Multi-center Randomized Controlled Trial Research grants council- ECS $466,710 Integrated community-care for self-harm people 2016
PI: Prof. Law Y.W. Frances An Evaluation Study on Project Respect: Anti-bullying Programs for Primary School Children in Hong Kong Boys and Girls Clubs Association $400,000 Whole-school approach of anti-bullying 2015
PI: Prof. Law Y.W. Frances Capacity Building for Social Workers on Working with Cyber Youth: Leading to Evidence-based Group Work Practice Knowledge Exchange Impact Project Funding $40,000 Group-based intervention for youth with social withdrawal behaviors 2015
PI: Prof. Ng S.M. Group Therapy for Chinese medicine Stagnation Syndrome: A randomized controlled trial Research grants council-GRF $632,156 Developed a brief body-mind-spirt group therapy for people suffering Chinese medicine stagnation syndrome 2014
PI: Prof. Ng S.M. A survey of ‘Stagnation’ among Hong Kong Chinese Adults in the Community Research grants council-GRF $446,662 Operationalized the Chinese medicine stagnation syndrome for mental health practitioners 2009
PI: Prof. Ng S.M. Developing Active Interests before Retirement for Better Well-being after Retirement: A Senior Mentorship Scheme HK Jockey Club Charities Trust $1,120,000 Developed a cost-effective, self-sustainable retirement preparation program 2011

Representative publications in the last five years (areas include: mental health, children and youth, specific therapies, reproductive health, Chinese medicine, bereavement and grief, and domestic violence)

Prof. Chan L.W. Ceci Articles

Ji, X., Chan, C. H. Y., Lau, B. H. P., Chan, J. S. M., Chan, C. L. W., & Chung K. F. (2017). The interrelationship between sleep and depression: A secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial on Integrative Mind-Body-Spirit intervention. Sleep Medicine, 29:41-46.

Chan, C.H.Y., Ji, X., Chan, J.S.M., Lau, B.H.P., So, K.F., Li, A., Chung, K.F., Ng, S.M. & Chan, C. L. W. (2017). Effects of the integrative mind-body intervention on depression, sleep disturbances and plasma IL-6. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 86(1):54-56. doi: 10.1159/000447541.

Chan, J.S.M., Li, A., Ng, S.M., Ho, R.T.H., Xu, A., Yao, T.J., . . . Chan, C. L. W. (2016). Adiponectin potentially contributes to the anti-depressive effects of Baduanjin Qigong exercise in women with chronic fatigue syndrome-like illness. Cell Transplantation. 26:493-501. doi: 10.3727/096368916X096694238.

Prof. Chow Y.M. Amy Articles

Chow, A. Y. M., McEvoy, J., Chan, I.K.N., Borschel, M., Yuen, J. H.L, Lo, J.Y.M. (2017). Do men and women with intellectual disabilities understand death? Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 61(12), 1130-1139.

Wang, C.W., Chow, A. Y. M.*. & Chan, C.L.W. (2017). The effects of life review interventions on spiritual well-being, psychological distress, and quality of life in patients with terminal or advanced cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Palliative Medicine, 31(10), 883-894.

Tang, S. & Chow, A. Y. M.* (2017). How do risk factors affect bereavement outcomes in later life? An exploration of the mediating role of dual process coping. Psychiatry Research, 255, 297-303.

Prof. Law Y.W. Frances Articles

Chan, M., Li, T.M.H., Law, Y.W., Wong, P.W.C., Chau, M., Cheng, C., Fu, K.W., Bacon-Shone, J., Yip, P.S.F. (2017) Engagement of vulnerable youths using internet platforms. PLoS ONE, 12(12): e0189023. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0189023

Law, Y.W., Yip, P. S. F., Lai, C. C. S., Kwok, C. L., Wong, P. W. C., Liu, K.S., Ng, P. W. L., Liao, C. W. M., & Wong, T.W. (2016). A pilot study on the efficacy of volunteer mentorship for young adults with self-harm behaviors using a quasi-experimental design. Crisis, 37(6), 415-426. doi: 10.1027/0227-5910/a000393.

Law, Y.W., Wong, P.W.C., & Yip, P.S.F. (2015). Health and psychosocial service use among suicides without psychiatric illness. Social Work, 60, 65–74. doi: 10.1093/sw/swu054

Prof. Ng S.M. Articles

Ng, S.M., & Leng, L.L. (in press). Major depression in Chinese medicine outpatients with stagnation syndrome – Prevalence and the impairments in well-being. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine.

Ng, S.M., Chow, K. W., Lau, H. P., & Wang, Q. (2017). Awareness versus un-clingig: Which matters in mindfulness? Contemporary Buddhism, 18(2), 263-276. doi:10.1080/14639947.2017.1374326.

Ng, S.M., Leng, L. L., & Wang, Q. (January 8, 2017). Active interest mentorship for soon-to-retire people: A self-sustaining retirement preparation program. Applied Gerontology, Online first. doi:10.1177/0733464816687448.

Upcoming conferences, symposia, professional training and public seminars

Date Title of the Activity Type (e.g. workshop, talk, forum) Organizer(s) Target(s) and Expected numbers (i.e. Academics, Professionals, General public) Fee Charging (Yes/No), Amount Learning opportunities for students (Yes/No) and the numbers that can be involved Person-in-charge
June 2018 Conference presentation Oral Presentation JCECC, HKU 600 professional No Yes Prof. Chow Y.M. Amy
Mid 2018 Seeing the Invisible, Parent-child IBMS group Intervention group Department of Social Work and Social Administration, HKU Children with eczema and their family caregivers from the General Public No Yes, each intervention arm can accommodate 2 student helpers Prof. Chan H.Y. Celia
2:00 pm – 5:00 pm, Jun 22, 2018 Chinese medicine perspective on depression – a strategic integrative approach Research seminar Department of Social Work and Social Administration Local professionals No Yes, no fixed quota Prof. Gloria Wong
9:00 am – 5:00 pm July 9 Brief body-mind-spirit group therapy for Chinese medicine stagnation syndrome Workshop Department of Social Work and Social Administration Local professionals No No Prof. Gloria Wong
9:00 am – 4:30 pm, July 20, 2018 Transforming Body-Mind-Spirit in Social Work : Emerging Practice and Development Symposium Department of Social Work and Social Administration Local professionals, 200 Yes, $700/$1000 Yes Prof. Ceci Chan

Case and group consultation/demonstration

Type of Activity Target Audience Time Any other information Person-in-charge
In-house supervision for St. James Settlement Social workers in end of life care   Twice a month Prof. Chow Y.M. Amy
In-house supervision for TWGHs Social workers in intergenerational art and dementia   Once every quarter Prof. Chow Y.M. Amy
Private consultation for Singaporean social workers Fellow of NYU end of life care Programme   Once every two months (as guest mentor for the NYU program) Prof. Chow Y.M. Amy
Live case demonstration BSW Year 4 students Every Fridays 2:30 pm – 5:30 pm During term time only