Solution-focused therapy

“Judging by its popularity, solution-focused therapy may be the treatment for our times. Now one of the most widely used psychotherapy approaches in the world (Trepper, Dolan, McCollum, & Nelson, 2006) … Its pragmatic focus on coping, rather than curing, has made it applicable to almost any problem seen by therapist.” (Nichols, & Schwartz, 2008, p.368) Solution-focused therapy advocates that the core role of a therapist is to help client to construct their solution instead of figure out what are the causes of the problem. Solution-focused therapists argue that it isn’t necessary to know what causes problems in order to make things better. Their emphasis is on what works, not what doesn’t work. Therefore, it is the solution talk, not problem talk, is the direction of solution focused therapists. The course will introduce the theoretical background, basic assumptions, core working principles, and hall mark techniques of the Solution-focused therapy.