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Prof. HUANG Y.T.

Associate Professor

Yu-Te Huang’s research interests cover adolescent mental health, sexual and gender minority youth, and immigrants’ cross-cultural experiences. In his research, Dr. Huang intends to highlight the importance of theoretical discussions and methodological plurality in the field and to promote social workers’ critical thinking and cross-cultural competency. His research has been published in social work journals that have local and global readerships and presented in international conferences. Prior to pursuing his Ph.D. at the Faculty of Social Work, the University of Toronto, Yu-Te was trained and working as a psychiatric social worker at a medical center in Taiwan.


  • Huang, Y-T. , & Fang, L. (2019). Fewer but not weaker: Understanding the intersectional identities among Chinese immigrant young gay men in Toronto. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 89(1), 27-39.
  • Huang, Y-T. , Chan, R. C. H., & Cui, L. (2020). Filial piety, internalized homonegativity, and depressive symptoms among Taiwanese non-heterosexual men: A mediation analysis. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 90(3), 340-349.
  • Huang, Y-T. , Luo. H., Ko, N.-Y., Yen, C.-F. (2020). Perceived attitudes toward lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) issues and mental health among Taiwanese LGB adults: The mediating role of self-acceptance. Archives of Sexual Behaviour, 49(5), 1671-1682.
  • Huang, Y-T. *, Ma, Y. T., Craig, S. L., Wong, F. K. D., & Forth, M. W. (2020). How intersectional are mental health interventions for sexual minority people? A systematic review. LGBT Health, 7(5), 220-236.
  • Chan, R. C. H., Huang, Y-T. * (2021). A minority stress response model of health behaviour in gay and bisexual men. LGBT Health, 8(3), 209-221.
  • Huang, Y-T. *, & Liang, Z.^ (2022). Effects of same-sex marriage legalization for sexual minority men in Taiwan: Findings from a prospective study. International Journal of Public Health, 67, 1604489.
  • Huang, Y-T. *, & Liang, Z.^, & Emory, C. (2022). Sexual minority stress, adverse childhood experiences, and obesity among gay men in Taiwan: Findings from a panel study. LGBT Health, 9(3), 169-176.
  • Liang, Z.^, Huang, Y-T. * (2022). “Strong together”: Minority stress, internalized homophobia, relationship satisfaction, and depressive symptoms among Taiwanese young gay men. Journal of Sex Research, 59(5), 621-631.
  • Huang, Y-T. , Chan, R. C. H. (In press). Effects of sexual orientation concealment on well-being among sexual minorities: How and when does concealment hurt? Journal of Counselling Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1037/cou0000623
  • Huang, Y-T. (In press). Parental acceptance of lesbian, gay, and bisexual children in Taiwan: Towards relationship-based practice. Family Relations. https://doi.org/10.1111/fare.12675

Externally funded research

Project PI/ Co-leader/ Co-investigator Funding Body  
A Mentoring Program for Young Gay Men in Hong Kong: Does a Mentor’s Sexual Orientation Matter? PI Research Grant Council General Research Fund HK$849505
Research on exploring LGBTQ needs and help-seeking patterns PI Tung-Wah Group of Hospitals HK$373,379
Enhancing community empathy for and wellbeing of sexual minority youth through arts Co-PI Interdisciplinary Knowledge Exchange (KE) Project Fund HK$100,000
Development of arts-based affirmative therapy for sexual minority youth Co-PI HKU-UToronto Strategic Partnership Fund HK$200,000
LGB young adults’ relational well-being: Before and after Taiwanese legalization of same-sex marriage PI Funded by Early Career Scheme (ECS), Research Grant Council HK$491,768
Development and pilot evaluation of culturally adapted affirmative cognitive-behaviour intervention for sexual minority young adults in Taiwan PI Seed Fund for Basic Research for New Staff, HKU HK$299,658
Internalized homonegativity and the experiences of micro-aggression among lesbian, gay and bisexual young adults: A quantitative survey, grounded theory analysis and intervention study Co-PI Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan NT$ 3600,000
青少年犯罪違規及精神健康計畫 Co-PI Youth Federation HK$449,500