Field of Study: Youth Sexuality, Population Health, Social Policy Analysis
Field of study: Health and Mental Health
Field of study: Child Development and Adolescent Psychology
Field of Study: subjective well-being; subjective poverty
Field of Study: Cyberbullying Bystander Issues
Field of Study: Health and Mental Health
Field of Study: sociology of health, mental health
Field of Study: Gerontology
Field of Study: Perinatal Bereavement
Field of Study: Health and Mental Health
Field of Study: Child development
Field of Study: child maltreatment
Field of Study: High EE in schizophrenia
Field of Study: Children and adolescents' mental health and well-being
Field of Study: children and adolescent mental health
Field of Study: Migration, family, gender
Field of Study: Gerontology
Field of Study: childhood trauma, violence against children, migration
Field of Study: Social Psychology
Field of Study: Ageism
Field of Study: Sexual compliance, intimate partner sexual violence, sexuality education
Field of Study: Physical Activity and Health
Field of Study: Health and Mental Health
Field of Study: Health and Mental Health
Field of Study: Youth and young adult mental health
Field of Study: Intergroup contact intervention
Field of Study: Ageing and Migration
Field of Study: Ageing and gerontology
Field of Study: Suicide Prevention, Computational Social Science
Field of Study: Health and Mental Health
Field of Study: Integrated Oncology and Palliative Care, Pediatric Cancer Pain, Health Equity, Participatory Action Resarch(PAR)
Field of Study: Mental Health in Youth
Field of Study: healthy ageing, social care
Field of Study: LGBTQ, Clinical Research, Emotionally Focused Therapy, Multicultural Therapy
Field of Study: Gerontology
Field of Study: Gerontology, dementia, family cregiving
Field of Study: Health and Mental Health
Field of Study: Mental health promotion among disadvantaged groups
Field of Study: Palliative care policies and practice
Field of Study: Gerontology
Field of Study: Loss and grief
Field of Study: Bereavement
Field of Study: Nonprofit and social service management
Field of Study: Body Mind Spirit, Spirituality
Field of Study: Life and Death Education, palliative care, elderly care
Field of Study: Child sexual abuse
Field of Study: 1) Development and Evaluation of Third-wave Interventions on Mental Health and Wellbeing 2) Gerontology, focusing on the
Field of Study: Intimate Partner Violence
Field of Study: Mental health in adolescents and school-based intervention
Field of Study: Celebrity worship and mental health of emerging adults
Field of Study: Mental health
Field of Study: Smart City, Housing Policy, Social Policy Evaluation, Household Wellbeing
Field of Study: Transgender health, Sex work
Field of Study: Mental health and Family Caregiving
Field of Study: Social Service Management
Field of Study: Capacity building; social capital; community development; participatory research; mental health
Field of Study: Mental Health; Suicide Prevention; Population Health
Field of Study: Music therapy
Field of Study: Social Policy
Field of Study: Mental Health
Field of Study: Adolescent Suicide Detection
Field of Study: well being of autism and their caregivers
Field of Study: Comparative social policy, health policy, poverty
Field of Study: Intergenerational relations, active aging, family caregiving
Field of Study: Diversity, equity, and inclusion of marginalized groups, HIV stigma
Field of Study: Nonprofit Management, Civil Society Organizations
Field of Study: Social policy
Field of Study: Music Therapy
Field of Study: Multimorbidity, dementia, mental health
Field of Study: Egg freezing in Hong Kong; Reproductive autonomy; Fertility preservation; Reproductive Health
Field of Study: Gerontology
Field of study: Migration, Social Policy
Field of Study: Social Work
Field of Study: Mental illness stigma, youth and family
Field of Study: Social determiners of health
Field of Study: Child and family
Field of Study: Gerontology
Field of Study: Social Work Intervention Effectiveness in Palliative Care
Field of Study: Health and Mental Health