
It comprises no less than 220 hours of prescribed work in relation to behavioral health under the guidance of a supervisor.

Key Components of “Total Practicum”

1. Clinical Training Session

It aims to equip students to acquire psychotherapy and counseling knowledge and skills, promoting their personal and professional development

2. Practicum Group

  • It takes place at the commencement of study for full-time students or in the second year for part-time students. Each student is assigned to a group devoted to a theme of study.
  • Examples of practicum groups are:

                 – Application of integrative hypnotherapy and counselling in clinical setting

                 – Mindfulness compassion path to resilience and wellbeing

                 – Literacy of the pause: A focusing application on parenting

                 – ACT and positive psychology intervention programme

                 – Use of drama in clinical practice

                 – Use of play as a therapeutic tool to promote well-being

                 (Note: Not all practicum topics listed above will necessarily be offered in a given year and may subject to change. Some practicum groups will take place in local community settings and be conducted in Cantonese.)

3. Practicum Sharing Session


Attendance of clinical training sessions and dissertation sharing session are still required.

The dissertation shall demonstrate the student’s ability to apply sound research methodology to investigate problems relevant to the field of study. It shall not exceed 20,000 words in length. The title of the dissertation shall be submitted for approval by not later than March 31 of the final academic year of study, and the dissertation shall be presented by not later than August 1 of the final academic year of study.